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The Lounge

Forum Feedback and Question Thread
Garret Hunter

Hey all! I'm one of the moderators of Kamloops Makerspace's community forum.

We would like our forums to be inviting and useful and appreciate any and all feedback on them to make the best online extension of the Makerspace Possible.

Our forum is intended to help connect our many members with each other and the resources they need to MAKE AWESOME STUFF!

Questions and thoughts? Please post them!


Questions on how to use the forum? Want to learn about 3D Design or 3D printing? Please ask me!

Nicholas Adams
I would also like to add Garret built our last forum and made it awesome. I hope we can do the same thing here.
Jyelle Vogel
Hi so I'm thinking we need a space to talk about meetings or the membership and maybe post adgenda items for upcoming meetings.
Also possibly try and form groups or commitees who want to work on things together like the wood shop and clean up stuff.
I don't think I can add new headings or toppics and also not sure of where the best place to have this type of communication.

I do think the forum should be a place where we post about meetings though.
Jyelle Vogel

Hey is there any way to sign up for a room and then cancel or unsign up if you are not in the room for as long as it was booked for?

Garret Hunter

For some reason the Laser Cutter forum settings didn't allow for attachments. This has been fixed now.

Lucas Rietze

Hey Garret, not so much feedback, but rather a suggestion.

I'd love to see a forum page where we provide what version of software we run for our machines (like thunderlazer in the fab shop for the lazer or PrusaSlicer for the 3D printers) and links of where to obtain / buy (where applicable). Maybe this could be a sticky post in each of the room boards? Or perhaps a board to itself?

This would be a major convenience for members - ie me - who'd like to prep their files for the machines at home; like with the laser, where I end up spending about 1/4 of my booked window prepping.

I'd be happy to help out and go through the machines and identify the versions of what we're running.

Garret Hunter

Hi Lucas,

The Digital Design section of the forum is intended for just that. Feel free to make a post there and ask any questions you might have.

Unfortunately that section is really empty right now, as a lot of the content was lost when the forum change was made.

I personally only use software like Thunderlazer, Lightburn and Prusa slicer for setting up the cut or print but do most of my design work in other programs like Fusion 360 and AutoCAD. I've hosted workshops on Fusion in the past but found interest levels to be pretty low. Design software seems to vary quite a bit with makers based on their personal taste.

Lucas Rietze

Sounds good Garret, I'll make a post there.

I was more so referring to the cutting and printing software which is specific to the hardware. Having the ability to setup and configure my cuts / prints and then make any changes to the design - in my choice of design software - before getting the the space would be great. Design software definitely does vary.

Jyelle Vogel

Hey! For some reason the upcoming events doesn't show Pizza Pi event happening tomorrow night!

Jyelle Vogel

haha I'm now replying to myself.

I called and got help it was a super simple fix!

I hope some folks come out tomorrow night!!!!!

ZA and good times to be had

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